Monday, January 30, 2006
BNP: Nick Griffin's private speech now made public
Churchill and others foresaw the chaos and confusion that uncontrolled immigration could fester and yet did nothing. Just like Abraham Lincoln in the United States never meant for the freed black folk to remain within these blessed shores, but sought to propose their removal to Central America or back to Africa. Now we're suffering the consequences of such inaction, and the prophesied curse for our national disobedience (as the legitimate sons and daughters of Jacob-Israel, the so-called "Lost Ten Tribes") where militant minorities are the tail wagging the dog.
As brought out below, former Rhodesia and South Africa are WAKE UP CALLS of what happens when white people increasingly find themselves the minority in their own God-given land and Israelite inheritance, and how such ruin is aided and abetted by white liberals who hate themselves and their country and people.
A must read is South Africa in Prophecy by Ron Fraser.
A Warning For America From South Africa
From the Free Speech on Trial daily Blog of Nick Griffin and Mark Collett who are on trial in England. They both face up to seven years imprisonment for warning fellow countrymen of the dangers of uncontrolled immigration and the growing threat of militant Islam across Britain and Europe.
That speech!
The full and complete footage which the BBC undercover reporter Jason Gwynne captured using hidden recording equipment of Nick Griffin addressing a private BNP meeting at Morley Town Hall in Leeds during the run up to the European Parliamentary elections.
In this speech which has been used as evidence for the prosecution, and shown to the jury in Leeds Crown Court, Nick tells the audience about the media circus over the murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence and reports about allegations that he was not murdered by white racists at all, but by rival drug dealers. Nick talks about the many white victims of racist murder which in contrast to the Lawrence case; go unreported by the established media. The prosecution claim that this speech is likely to incite racial hatred and for that, if the jury find Nick guilty, he could be sentenced for up to seven year’s imprisonment.
This speech in full is now available for the entire world to download, watch and hear. Viewers can now make up their own mind if this is the kind of material that anyone should have face criminal charges, let alone the prospect of a prison sentence.
This material has been cleared by the legal team defending Nick and Mark in Leeds and we believe it is an all time first in English criminal legal history – a defendant broadcasting in its entirety an item submitted by the prosecution as evidence
Please remember that this was recorded by an undercover “reporter” working for the BBC in cahoots with Searchlight, a Marxist magazine which receives funding from various trade unions and anti-British groups. The sound quality is not brilliant and the first four minutes of the video shows Nick's legs and torso but not his head.
The footage, which weighs in at 43Mb, is suitable for broadband viewers only, can be downloaded from the BNP's website here.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Europe In The News
By Richard Markland"
New EU police force inaugurated in Italy
A European military police force primed for rapid deployment worldwide was formally inaugurated in Verona on Monday by defense and interior ministers from the five participating EU countries.
EU launches gendarmerie force
The EU has launched a new paramilitary force designed for international deployment to restore public order and bolster peacekeeping missions in what will be the bloc’s third defense and security structure created in the last four years.
German government plans to spend 6 bln euro on military equipment this year
Germany's government is planning to spend 6 bln euro on new military equipment this year, Die Welt newspaper reported, citing Christian Schmidt, state secretary to the defense ministry.
EU military team visits ahead of planned troop deployment
A European Union military team will visit Congo next week to prepare for a possible European deployment to support U.N. peacekeepers ahead of vital elections meant to draw a line under five years of murderous civil war.
E.U. envoy presses Netherlands to send troops to south Afghanistan
The European Union's top official in Afghanistan on Thursday urged the Netherlands to go ahead with plans to deploy troops in the volatile southern Afghan region, saying a Dutch "no" would damage the bloc's credibility in the country.
EU explores Congo election mission
An EU fact-finding mission is departing for the Democratic Republic of Congo next week, to investigate the possibilities of an EU military mission to back up the UN during elections in the violence–stricken country this spring.
Integration crucial to Europe, say EU leaders
Ordinary Europeans need to learn about each other and challenge themselves, Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said in Salzburg on Saturday at the close of a conference on the future of the continent.
MEPs back plan to save EU constitution
The European Parliament has adopted a plan aiming to revive the EU constitution, while rejecting attempts to acknowledge the need for a revision of the original text.
Polish president says EU needs new charter
The European Union needs a new charter to replace a draft that pushed for far more integration than the bloc's citizens were ready to accept, Polish President Lech Kaczynski was quoted as saying on Tuesday.
Finnish presidency to accept changes in constitution text
Finnish prime minister Matti Vanhanen has called upon states that have ratified the EU constitution to accept possible changes to the text.
EU ministers tell Britain to cut budget deficit
European Union finance ministers told Britain on Tuesday it was running an excessive budget deficit and gave the country until the 2006/2007 fiscal year to bring the gap below the EU ceiling of 3 percent.
Analysis: Merkel's new foreign policy
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's debut on the international political scene has taken many by surprise.
Britain's Blair to hand over power within two years, ally says
British Prime Minister Tony Blair has reached a "new understanding" to hand over power to his finance minister Gordon Brown within two years, a close ally and former minister has said.
Merkel will not see Hamas officials on Mideast trip
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the first EU leader to visit the Middle East since the Palestinian election, will not meet Hamas officials despite the radical Islamic group's overwhelming poll victory.
Germany prevents rightist from traveling to Iran
German authorities have prohibited foreign travel by a far-right-wing lawyer, Horst Mahler, amid fears that he may attend a Holocaust denial conference in Iran, an official confirmed Thursday.
Europe pays tribute to Holocaust victims
Sixty-one years after the liberation of the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz, the grimmest symbol of the murder of six million Jews in World War II, ceremonies across Europe marked the first international Holocaust remembrance day.
German parliament remembers victims of the Holocaust
In the city where the Nazis hatched their plan to wipe out Europe's Jews, the German parliament remembered the six million victims of the Holocaust on the first international day of commemoration.
Germans bristle as Spielberg film pricks conscience
Filmmaker Steven Spielberg has torn open another old wound in Germany just as the country where the holocaust was designed and the 1972 Olympics massacre happened prepares for the world's spotlight again.
European press review
Some European papers criticize President Jacques Chirac's threat to launch a French nuclear strike against any state that mounts a terrorist attack on France.
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
In fact, many prophecies do mention these nations. But without an understanding of history and the Scriptures, few can identify them and understand what lies ahead of them.
This featured booklet will take you on a remarkable journey through history and Bible prophecy to reveal an incredible story with sobering implications for the major English-speaking nations.

Request this FREE booklet
Friday, January 27, 2006
BNP defends freedom of speech for England
The daily Blog of Nick Griffin and Mark Collett who are on trial in England. They both face up to seven years imprisonment for warning fellow countrymen of the dangers of uncontrolled immigration and the growing threat of militant Islam across Britain and Europe./
If the British courts deny the BNP their freedom of expression, (does Madonna still live in England who sang, "Express Yourself"?) who's next to be gagged? Will free speech be a thing of the past and the politically correct storm-troopers have prevailed over logic and reason?
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Vatican linked to Rabin's assassination
The German-dominated EU have set their evil eye upon Jerusalem and prepare to go for the kill with the call for UN Resolution 181 - the blueprint of THE BEAST - to be enforced, all under guise of promoting world peace while whetting their nuclear sword for World War, ignited by the foolish Muslims whose imminent jihad against Europe will result in their rapid response: a NEW CRUSADE.
The Vatican is tightening its noose around the neck of Israel and its diabolical desire for Jerusalem plans on being fulfilled by implementing THE GRAND DESIGN: the final revival of the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation, the restoration of the Crusader-Kingdom, with Jerusalem as its crown and the Temple Mount (with its imminent Temple) as the crown jewel.
Truth is stranger than fiction and to fail to appreciate or even begin to understand the cultic pull, the demonic drive, key players (with their foreign interests and alien ideas) feel and exert to possess Jerusalem and occupy Israel is to doom the Jewish homeland to getting stomped by the EU jackboot and conquered in the satanic sign of their cross.
As Israeli investigative reporter Joel Bainerman has exposed within The Vatican Agenda, this pagan plot to subdue Israel and control Jerusalem is very real and important and serious to the criminal minds that spawned the Luciferian Oslo "peace process" (which has been nothing less than the systematic dismantling of the Jewish homeland and imminent destruction of many of its Jews, whether oblivious Israelis grasp or believe it or not).
Mr. Bainerman charges the lying "peace process" has been nothing but a smokescreen, a red herring, while the Vatican is intent, based upon their Babylonian Mystery religious beliefs masquerading as Christian, to feverishly work underground, undermining Israeli will and sovereignty, bringing both to a state of collapse, inviting foreign invasion under the guise of "peacekeeping" troops.
Yitzhak Rabin was the biggest diversionary tactic these murderers in our midst have pulled off: the Israeli Left, ignobly represented by the likes of Shimon Peres, conspired with their European masters to sacrifice Rabin to become their martyr and ritually abuse his blood to further their agenda against those faithful Jews and patriots who won't just go like sheep to the slaughter, or at least not as easily as the others who have been duped into believing the BIG LIE of "Land for Peace." Israel has given plenty of land and yet still has no peace, and yet continues blindly toward the abyss with such a failed formula and miserable "Roadmap" to hell! Where is Israel's rosh Yehudi? (Jewish head). Where is the nephesh Yehudi? (Jewish soul).
Barry Chamish and David Rutstein, two Israelis, both publicly charge Shimon Peres with the murder of Yitzhak Rabin and haven't been sued! They courageously testify before the Israeli people that something isn't kosher. They offer plenty of evidence that Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body. Messrs. Chamish and Rutstein decry that Rabin's real killers are still at large and that Rabin's real killers are still selling out Israel to foreigners, gorging themselves with blood money and fattening themselves for the slaughter they fail to believe will include them, as it most certainly will, as history warns every kapo discovered to his horror.
I'm convinced that the same vultures that circled Rabin, that saw to his violent death, who have brutally betrayed Prime Minister Rabin and sold out the nation, are heavily bribed, bought and paid for prostitutes, involved in illicit foreign affairs with their European counterparts and Vatican cronies.
Such scandals must be brought to light (that would rock the nation and shake the world), if such stooges are to be stopped dead in their tracks, their treason exposed and their ticking time-bomb defused! Otherwise, they will carry out their instructions until the bitter end of the Third Jewish Commonwealth; instrumental in the premeditated murder of Israeli sovereignty, enslavement of the Jewish people and rape of Jerusalem.
Israel must reopen the Rabin File (which will bring all this out into the open) or they will have sealed their own fate and written it in Rabin's blood that still cries out for justice.
Plea to diehard Catholics & Protestants to repent
All those who refuse to FORSAKE BABYLON are proud and stubborn and many will die in their sins, suffering the seven last plagues, as is just (Rev. 18:4-5).
Why are you in love with Roman wolves in sheep's clothing, whom both the Bible and history testify against as whitewashed paganism, counterfeit Christianity? May you learn to love the Lord God of the Bible, the King of all Creation, and learn to hate that which He hates: the ABOMINATION OF THE RCC.
May you not resist this Light to return to traditional darkness (John 3:19-21), or you'll fall for the pope's tricks when he bewitches the masses with his sorcery and fight against true Christians - again! Don't let yourself be given over to a reprobate mind. Let Christ renew your mind and wash it by the water of the Word that can cleanse you of all the unclean doctrines and pagan practices of the unholy RCC, so help you God.
The Church Jesus Built

Monday, January 23, 2006
Pope to seduce Europe and mislead the masses
Daniel 11:36
The King Who Exalts Himself
36 "The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. (Antiochus Epiphanes - "god in the flesh" - was only a type of the unholy Terror about to be unleashed).
Acts 8:9-11
Simon the Sorcerer
9Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great, 10and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, "This man is the divine power known as the Great Power." 11They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his magic.
2 Thessalonians 2:7-12
7For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Revelation 13:13-17
13And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. 14Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword (final revival of the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation) and yet lived. 15He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast (imperial restoration), so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Biblical prophecy announces that the European Union will morph into a bloodthirsty BEAST, a politico-ECONOMIC superpower under the evil influences of the Vatican who will seduce it with satanic offers of all the kingdoms of this world and great riches in exchange for enforcing their idolatrous traditions, especially SUNDAY WORSHIP.
Watch for the pope and his "man of the hour" to storm the world stage, to put on a command performance, Satan at his best; the darkest before Dawn prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes culminating with the real Jesus Christ's return from Heaven to make the diabolical duo history!
This is bad news/good news: Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Abolish the European Union
Robert Locke
June 5, 2002
Reading their newspapers and perusing their atlases, they continue to believe that such geographical entities as France, England, Italy and Germany are nations. But in fact they are, or more accurately are rapidly becoming, mere provinces of the Holy Belgian Empire: the European Union (EU). This empire has been getting continually more malignant for years without attracting significant conservative opposition on this side of the Atlantic. But American conservatives should realize that it represents the European manifestation of the odious ideology of globalism, or the liquidation of nations. It should therefore be abolished forthwith.
The EU seems to have a unique talent for bringing out the worst in its member states. It is like the universal alloy of medieval alchemy: a mixture of all metals that turns out to have the liabilities of each and the virtues of none. Each of its member states has its own dishonorable reasons for participating in it.
For example, one motivating factor behind the ongoing attempt of the EU to become a superstate is the colossal unresolved guilt felt by Germany about her Nazi past. Germans would very much like to abolish Germany as a nation and declare themselves citizens of "Europe" so that their consciences wouldn’t have to bear the burden of being Germans. After having tried to liquidate the other nations of Europe by the sword twice in one century, they are now trying it a third time to weasel out of their well-deserved guilt over the first two. It is an utter scandal that nations like Britain, France, and soon Poland, which sacrificed millions of lives fighting German aggression, are being asked to liquidate their nationhood to expiate German crimes.
Another motivating factor behind the EU is the determination of French bureaucrats to rule Europe. France, because of her history, the structure of her government, and her educational system, produces the most ambitious bureaucrats in the world. Her tradition of dirigisme or state-directed capitalism is precisely suited to present world economic conditions, in which competitive pressures make expanding socialism impossible but the inexorable will of the state to grow has not gone away. They are convinced that the expanded powers of the EU will by nature fall into their lap, the Germans being too shy about asserting their power, the British not being statist by instinct, the Italians being too disorganized, and everyone else being too small.
Those Italians who like the EU like it because it absolves them of the need to get their own national act together and fix the most chaotic government and economy in Europe. Rather than fixing their own budget deficits to save the ever-falling lira, they adopt the euro. Rather than fixing their own government, they prefer to sign away their sovereignty and with it, the ability of future generations of Italians to be masters of their own political destiny. The idea of an Italy governed in all essentials by foreigners in Brussels doesn’t seem to scare them or bother their national pride at all.
Other nations, like Spain, Portugal, and Ireland, have knuckled under to the EU essentially on a basis of bribery. They have been paid billions in subsidies to support obsolescent farming sectors in exchange for compliant votes to expand EU powers. It is a classic case, writ large, of the old warning about selling one’s freedom in exchange for welfare.
The other openly admitted motivation for the EU is to create a political entity large enough to blunt "American hegemony." Given that it is US hegemony over Europe since WWII that has given the continent the greatest peace and prosperity it has known in the 20th century, this is for a start monumentally ungrateful. Given that Europe cannot even deal with local crises like the wars of the Yugoslav succession without American help, it is pathetic. Despite all talk of a common foreign policy, the minute bullets start to fly, pronouncements of European unity vanish and the member states go their separate ways. And what wonderful geopolitical agenda does Europe intend to pursue once it stands tall next to America? What terrible harm at our hands does it propose to rectify? No one has answered this question because frankly, the motivation here is pure ego, leavened only by the cynicism that passes for political sophistication in Europe. Fortunately, Europe is unlikely to ever match American military power, since it cannot afford to match our defense budget and maintain its bloated welfare states. This is not even to mention our 40-year technological head start; the European armies, with the limited exception of the Americanized but very small British military, are perfectly nice 1960s-era militaries, a joke compared to our Star Wars forces. All of Europe put together cannot field a single state-of-the-art stealth aircraft.
The other great aim of EU supporters is that it be their last chance to salvage the statist, over-regulated, socialistic economic policies that have been pushed to the wall by the worldwide free-market revival of the ‘80s and ‘90s. It is no accident that the movement to turn the EU from a free-trade area to a superstate rose with this free-market revival. Their essential premise is that these failed policies will work if the political unit of their operation is large enough. Naturally, this is absurd: the Soviet Union had nearly 300 million people and couldn’t make socialism work. The justification for this claim is the idea that there is no real superiority to free-market policies and that these policies have only been offering them competition because they are embodied in the United States, which uses its vast size to bully other nations into adopting them. (I have discussed the tendency of the world’s losers to see their self-inflicted problems as caused by America in another article.) So if the EU is large enough, it will be able to sustain these discredited ideas by hiding behind a protectionist shield. They will of course eventually discover that this won’t work, that mistakes are mistakes regardless of scale, but the attempt could doom a generation of Europeans to continuing economic sclerosis.
Some examples of the dirigiste economic policies of EU nations:
High taxes on everything from incomes to retail goods. High social charges on employers. Legally-entrenched labor union power. Laws against firing people, which just cause employers not to hire them in the first place. Massive subsidies for obsolescent industries like agriculture and steel. Cozy cartels to restrict competition and divide up markets. Massive government intervention in business decisions. Outright government ownership of sectors of the economy. Anti-business cultural attitudes. Protectionism against American and Asian goods.
There is no meaningful doubt that the nations of the EU pay a high price for its dirigiste practices. For the last decade, the EU’s unemployment rate has averaged roughly double that of the United States. Since 1980, the US has created 30 million new private-sector jobs; the European Union a net of zero. (Source: National Center for Policy Analysis).
Fortunately one of the saving graces of Europe has traditionally been competition between governments. For example, the most economically free nation in Europe (thanks to Margaret Thatcher, not the current Labor government) is currently Britain, which has been attracting investment away from more regulated economies in Europe as a result. The French fume about this and call it "social dumping." British workers call it an unemployment rate far below that of France. The EU would like to end this ability of nations to compete by having lighter tax burdens. It would like to "harmonize," as it says in its inimitably dishonest eurobabble, tax rates across nations. It also raises taxes simply by having a budget, which taxpayers of the member states ultimately finance.
Like every undesirable thing in politics, the EU has its own characteristic varieties of sophistry that are used to justify it. The key piece of sophistic reasoning used to justify the European Union is the claim that opposition to the political construct that is the EU constitutes opposition to the existential fact that is Europe. Anyone who opposes expansion of the powers of the EU is tarred as "anti-Europe," which has become an epithet exceeded only by "racist" in its ability to both mean nothing and brand its victim a pariah. But Europeans have been benefiting from their relations with other European countries for millennia without the benefit of this superstate. It is entirely possible, indeed desirable, to be pro-Europe and anti-EU.
Another EU sophism: the benefits of free trade within the EU require its existence. False: all they require is the absence of tariffs between the member states, as the old Common Market, predecessor of the EU, used to provide. The European Union uses the promise of free trade as a tool to bribe the nations to its East to submit to its political control. I am not Polish, but it makes me want to cry to see this proud, nationalistic nation, which has suffered so many cruel affronts to its independence in its history, being prepared for subjugation to Brussels, along with Hungary and the Czech Republic. All the preposterous claims about the economic benefits of membership in the EU crumble on contact with the fact that some of Europe’s most successful economies, like Norway and Switzerland, are outside it, and one of the most successful countries inside the EU, Britain, has the least degree of economic submission to it, having not adopted its currency, the euro.
The lies spouted in favor of the euro are a rich topic in their own right. The fundamental premise underlying the euro is the same bald empirical falsehood that underlies most EU thinking: bigger is better. When it comes to economics, one can compare the success of the currencies of Russia and Singapore, or Brazil and Switzerland, and come to one’s own conclusions. Supposedly, having a common currency is necessary to weld the individual economies of Europe into one big economy. Naturally, since the euro is backed by the sagging over-regulated economies of Continental Europe, it has been sinking relative to the dollar and the pound since it was established. It was issued in 1999 at a value of $1.17; it is now trading at 94 and has been lower. This loss in value is not an abstraction: it has wiped billions off of the value of pension funds, especially German ones, which used to be denominated in the rock-solid mark. Britain, which remains outside the euro, has less inflation, less unemployment, and more growth, than the average of those nations within it. And the euro does not promote foreign investment: in 1999, Britain attracted a grossly disproportionate 40% of all US and Asian investment into the EU.
However smoothly its spokesmen would deny it in public while admitting it in private, the EU is a threat to the national sovereignty of its member states. Sovereignty sounds like an abstraction, but in fact it refers to the ultimate ability of a nation to control its own destiny rather than being dictated to by others. For example, EU laws override the laws made by the parliaments of the member states. This means that the entire body of English common law, for example, a treasury of liberty, which has grown up over nearly a thousand years, is now disposable. The British parliament cannot legislate for its own people without the permission of bureaucrats in Brussels.
The EU is exceptionally dishonest in how it goes about coercing its member states. Its fundamental modus operandi is what has been called "union by stealth," namely the surrender of national sovereignty to the new superstate so gradually that the electorates of the member nations don’t notice until it is too late. Stealth combines with the narcotization of European electorates by bloated welfare states to make this possible. It is the same tactic of "progressive" revolutionaries that we have seen in America: push through fundamental changes not by arguing that they are good, but by pretending that they don’t matter. It is government by anesthesia. The politicians responsible have consistently lied about the nature of the changes they have made. It is well understood that the EU could never survive real democratic debate. Claude Cheysson, the former French Foreign Secretary who subsequently became one of France's European Commissioners, famously observed that the superstate-building Maastricht Treaty could only have been constructed "in the absence of democracy."
Politicians as a class love the EU. It gives them the ability to wield power through insider wheeler-dealing, without the accountability of pesky national electorates or judiciaries.
Leftists especially appreciate its ability to impose laws that would never be passed by their national legislature. The EU is governed by an unelected Commission; the "European Parliament" is an inert joke. The issue is usually fudged by resorting to the kind of technical discussion of the structures of government, rife with meaningless phrases like "pooled sovereignty," that have come to be known as eurobabble, but the blunt fact is, the EU has no democratic legitimacy. The legal basis for the imposition of its laws on its member states is only a series of treaties that they have signed, starting with the Treaty of Rome in 1957. The treaty that contained the fundamental basis for surrender of sovereignty was that of 1972, but this was not given its full force until the treaties of Maastrich of 1993 and Amsterdam in 1997. The fundamental problem with these treaties, as a matter of basic sound political philosophy, is that they surrender or alienate the right of self-government of the nations that sign them. Our Declaration of Independence rightly observes that the right to self-government is "unalienable;" i.e. that no government elected by the people can abolish that right or surrender it to someone else, for the fundamental reason that no government owns the right to self government, but merely holds it in trust temporarily for its owners, the people It follows that the treaties that form the basis for the EU are fundamentally invalid on philosophical grounds and the EU superstate should be considered an illegitimate government against which patriots have a right to rebel.
The EU is a mortal threat to the civil liberties of those who live under it. It is currently trying to impose on those member states, like Britain, whose citizens currently have a right to trial-by-jury, a legal system known as Corpus Juris - a judicial system under which Trial by Jury and the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty will be abolished. The EU is trying to extend the preposterously strict and anti-free speech hate crimes laws of Germany, a product of that nation’s unique and horrifying history, to all the other nations. It would like to make such acts as "disparaging" another religion illegal. Magazines like this one are probably already in violation of the law in some member states and could soon be illegal in the whole Union. Thank God, I must say, we are Americans. Almost needless to say, like all other non-democratic governments the EU has no respect whatsoever for gun rights. It is trying to impose a requirement that communications providers snoop on their customers’ communications and store them indefinitely for police use. It is trying to abolish Europe’s network of extradition laws. It is trying to create a central register of "troublemakers" called the Schengen Information Registry which will be used to deny demonstrators freedom of movement between member states.
The fundamental form of the political order that the EU is trying to impose can be described as soft totalitarianism. Soft totalitarianism shares with the various forms of "hard" totalitarianism that have been tried (fascism, nazism, communism) the aspiration of total government control over the life of its citizens. But soft totalitarianism does this by means of bribery (i.e. the welfare state) and bureaucracy, rather than by means of concentration camps and the knock on the door at 3 AM. Those who would scoff at this, I challenge to name one thing that the EU is not trying to regulate. This is an entity that regulates how curved a banana can be.
The bureaucracy of the EU has a well-earned reputation for heavy-handedness, arrogance, incompetence, and deafness to the public. The European Commission is seriously corrupt. So much so, in fact, that in the Spring of 1999 the entire commission had to resign due to corruption charges. After this, of course, many of them kept on working for the EU in other posts. The Brussels headquarters has become a feather bed for the unelectable political cronies of all the member states.
There should be no mystery why the EU is the way it is: most continental European states have no indigenous traditions of democracy. What democracy they have was imposed at the point of American bayonets. Or if they do have a democratic tradition, it is one of unstable, ineffective democracies that destroy themselves. Since one of the fundamental requirements of a viable democracy is the rule of law, it comes as no surprise that the EU is utterly lacking in this quality. It compiles governing statutes that run to thousands of pages, and then casually flouts them for brazen political reasons. For example, it established elaborate convergence criteria for national debt levels of member states being admitted to the European Monetary Union (an institutional arrangement that led the way to the euro) and then ignored them in order to get Germany, Belgium and Italy in. And the supposed independence of the European Central Bank crumbled when the French government demanded a special say over things.
The cultural agenda of the EU is to liquidate the sense of national identity in its member states and replace it with enthusiasm for "Europe." But not Europe as a meaningful pan-European culture in its own right, Europe as a bloodless bureaucratic construct. As a result, emotional attachment to this new superstate is weak. The EU's own surveys show that only a tiny minority (5%) of the EU's inhabitants consider themselves essentially "European" in identity, 85% instead viewing their nation as their sole or principal affiliation. As the EU survey ruefully admits, "a sense of sharing a common identity does not appear to have become more widespread over the years."
Tony Blair, whom Margaret Thatcher rightly described as animated by "a doomed ambition to rule Europe," would like to be the first president of a united Europe. In pursuit of this ambition, he has, to be perfectly blunt, become the greatest traitor in the history of Britain, selling out to foreigners contemptuous of Britain’s blood-bought political values not just her secrets or her interests but her very sovereignty. He has almost certainly made a private deal with the rest of the EU to be given this post in exchange for eventually submitting Britain to the euro. Margaret Thatcher’s greatest regret, she has said, is that she allowed the EU to acquire too much power. Americans should consider the threat to Britain as a threat to themselves, as the EU, with its incoherent but lethally mischievous foreign policy, is a threat to the special relationship between America and its most loyal ally. The European Union, by funding the Palestinian Authority, has directly and knowingly financed terrorism. Its member states continue to trade with Iraq, Libya, Cuba, and other nations implicated in the support of terror.
It is a distinct possibility that, in the long run, the EU will not be content with governing only Europe. Because of its lack of respect for, or foundation in, real concrete European identity, it is quite capable of redefining itself at some point to embrace the nations at its fringe, like North Africa, and then amorphously expanding to include them. Naturally, anyone who opposes this will be labeled a racist. The EU is quite plausibly the nucleus of an aspiring soft-totalitarian world state; it is in fact far more likely to fulfil this role than the justly-despised UN. I apologize if this sounds alarmist, but history clearly teaches us to think ahead to the logical implications of things that are just beginning.
Fortunately, there are signs that Europe is awakening to the monster in its midst. A number of right-wing politicians like Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (closest American equivalent: Ross Perot) are actively fighting to curb the EU. Poll evidence regularly indicates that a narrow majority of British voters now favors outright withdrawal from the European Union under certain circumstances and 60% favor leaving the EU if the alternative is joining the euro. A majority of citizens in eight of the European Union's 15 member states are dissatisfied with the way the EU is progressing towards closer unity. Unfortunately, the welfare machine constructed to narcotize European electorates after WWII produces a far more passive electorate than in the US, far more used to being fed faits accomplis by their political masters so long as the public teat keeps giving.
So what’s the solution to the EU? Simply disband it. Let the nations of Western and Central Europe engage in free trade with one another. That’s it. For once, a complex problem has a simple solution.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Vatican covets Jerusalem for EU crown
It is only a matter of time before the Vatican exercises their evil influences to enforce UN Resolution 181. Will Israel make the most of this grace period, return to God and secure the Jewish homeland or fall prostrate before the Roman EU?
The Vatican's illegitimate claims to Mt. Zion stem from the extorted belief that Jesus' "Last Supper" was held in the Upper Room of the traditional site of King David's Tomb. I am a Christian and trust Jesus held such a meal in Jerusalem, but there is no way to prove it was at such a site and since the bloody Roman Catholic Church states it to be so, I highly doubt it.
Regardless, the allleged "Upper Room" would not be a holy site in light of the New Testament and is never mentioned again after the fact, but the Temple Mount stands alone as "the most holy place." Isn't that what the Vatican is really after? Haven't they coveted the crown of Jerusalem, and its crown jewel - the Temple Mount - since the Crusades? The leopard has not changed its spots!
Some might contend that there isn't sufficient proof that King David (my forefather) is actually buried on Mt. Zion. However, it is a Jewish belief, it is the Jewish homeland, and it isn't necessary for Jews to prove anything to the world, as it is honestly none of their business.
If Israel were wise, they would immediately cut off all negotiations, unequivocally state Jerusalem is not for sale, and threaten any Jew who persists in such an error and grievous sin with expulsion from the Jewish community. It's that serious! Israeli sovereignty is at stake!
Rabbi Avraham Goldstein is leader of the Diaspora Yeshiva (Yeshiva Toras Yisrael) that has been blessed since 1966 to utilize David's Tomb and the building complex on Mt. Zion for religious classes and services. Goldstein is also Chief Rabbi of the Old City of Jerusalem, and in agreement with all 14 rabbis in the Old City, is convinced that the Vatican's true intent is to ultimately evict the yeshiva and completely empty the complex of Jews.
"Jerusalem is in danger," the rabbi warned his American audience, as reported by The Jewish Voice and Opinion, exposing the disturbing fact that the European Union has joined dark forces with the Palestinian Authority to put undue pressure upon Israel to disengage from half the Holy City and cede the Eastern half to the Muslim Arabs.
How can Israel live with half a heart? Why permit occult designs to forge Jerusalem's future? Why sanction secular politicians to handle such holy issues? Why trust an unholy trinity composed of "Jewish Catholic Knights" (Gary Krupp and David Rosen) and the poisonous Vatican plant (David Bartholdy), Jannes and Jambres and Korah, to have any say in what belongs in the court of the Sanhedrin?
If Israel prostitutes itself and cedes this strategic part of Jerusalem to the Vatican, they will have sold out Jews and Christians, since Christians would have to obtain permission from the Catholic Church to hold services at the site. Why exalt the Roman Catholic Church to such a lofty position? Why fall for the attempt to trump King David at the site or supercede him by towering over his tomb, a Catholic Church over and above his dead body!
As Barry Chamish has duly noted, the German-built Dormition Abbey on Mt. Zion (next to the yeshiva) is an exact replica of the German Church that crowned emperors: Charlemagne's Aachen Cathedral. Can't we see what spirit is at work here and what plans are in store? UN Resolution 181 demands Jerusalem become a separate, international city that will amount to a long-held Catholic dream of Jerusalem serving as the capital of their Crusader-Kingdom.
The German-Jesuit powers that be are busy reconstructing Europe into the final revival of the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation that Daniel foresaw wreaking havoc on the Middle East and Jeremiah foresaw affecting the whole world (all of Jacob, the unprecedented Time of Jacob's Trouble).
What offer could convince the religious authorities to abandon claims to Mt. Zion? Would a trade-off work? Not of empty synagoges in Spain, but how about international guarantees of protection during the construction of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount? What if Israel were offered acceptance of full Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount, complete with the restoration of the sacrificial system and Temple worship?
Wouldn't the religious prefer such freedom of religion over secular Israeli sovereignty that continues to despise the Jewish heritage and dismantle the Jewish homeland? Not that Israel couldn't immediately restore the Temple Mount to Jewish hands without worldly approval or international "peacekeeping" support, and that would be preferable but it's unlikely.
Will the Israeli authorities fall for Europe's BIG LIE of "peace and security" (and religious freedom and independence upon the Temple Mount) and enable them to station troops around Jerusalem in a clever and deceitful perversion of Bamidbar Rabbah 1,3:
If the nations of the world had only known how much they needed the Temple, they would have surrounded it with armed fortresses to protect it.
Doesn't Zechariah warn of such Roman wolves in sheep's clothing? Must Jerusalem suffer a brutal betrayal and rape, with the violent eviction of Jews from half of the Holy City, all of it under brazen Gentile occupation? Doesn't Daniel warn of Europe's imminent wannabe divine emperor (promoted by the pagan pope) who would leave his designated place at Mt. Zion and seize and pollute the Temple with his unclean presence, slaughtering all who got in his way?
"Why will you die O House of Israel?" If only Israel and Judah would return and trust in God, none of this reliance on foreign promises (that will prove to be worthless, once again) would be necessary. At least during Jerusalem's 3 1/2 years of foreign occupation, captive Israel will be reassured by a Davidic messenger in the spirit of Elijah, like an angel of the LORD (Zech. 12:8), that our God will come and save us and cleanse the Temple and liberate Jerusalem.
For Zion's Sake,
David Ben-Ariel
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Beware Rome's lead, Jerusalem!

Tel Aviv, 13 Jan. (AKI) - A 1929 accord between the Vatican and Fascist Italy granting 'special status' to several Rome churches could provide a model to resolve the dispute over Israel's control of Jerusalem, a former Israeli ambassador has suggested. Moshe Sasson, Israel's ambassador to Italy from 1973-77, described the Lateran Treaty signed by Benito Mussolini and the Vatican as "a historical precedent that is wonderfully suited to the issue of Jerusalem," in an editorial in Friday's edition of the Tel Aviv daily Haaretz.
Sasson argues that by seeking an arrangement similar to the Lateran Treaty, Israel would prevent the partitioning of Jerusalem while satisfying the followers of the world's main three monotheistic religions - Christianity, Islam and Judaism - who all consider the city holy.
The Lateran Treaty ended a dispute which began in 1871 when the then newly- constituted Kingdom of Italy took over Rome after centuries of Papal rule. In 1929 Italy granted a "special status under international guarantee" for five basilicas that belong to the Vatican, but which are situated outside the territory that demarcates the tiny state.
Sasson says Israel could declare unilaterally, by virtue of its sovereignity, that it is granting a special status to the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock Sanctuary on the Temple Mount, as well as to other places that are sacred to Judaism as well as those Christians cherish as holy.
Israel could grant "free passage to the holy places regardless of religion, gender or race," to anyone wanting to visit Temple Mount for example. Sasson argues that such a move would be welcomed by the international community ensuring that "Jerusalem would remain whole and not divided; each of the three montheistic religions would be soveriegn over the buildings that are sacred to it, would administer them and would be responsible for what happens inside them," he said.
Sasson admits that such a move would not necessarily win the approval of Arab governments who he says want to maintain the "supposedly 'religious aspect' of the Arab-Israeli conflict."
Still, a compromise solution could be achieved if Israel were to allow Arab governments to establish a small policing force to oversee sacred Islamic sites. This, Sasson argues, would help overcome the present problem whereby Israeli security forces responsible for law and order are seen to impart the "punishment of the other."
While the Lateran Treaty model might offer a solution to the dispute over the custodianship of religious sites, Sasson says Israel has another problem that needs tackling - Jerusalem's very large Arab population, which currently numbers 237,100.
The growth rate of the Arab population is currently double that of the city's Jewish community, a situation which will over the years result in the "capital of Israel" having mostly Arab inhabitants.
To remedy this situation, Sasson urges the Isralei government to implement policies that will "attract Israelis and Jewish immigrants to Jerusalem and to keep its Jewish inhabitants living there and prevent them from abandoning it."
Israel defines Jerusalem as its "eternal and undivided capital" a status not recognise by most nations who maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv. Palestinians say Arab East Jerusalem should be the capital of their future state.
If Israel truly believed, as they should, that Jerusalem is its "eternal and undivided capital," they would expel the treacherous Arabs from its midst, restore the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site, to Jewish hands in preparation for the Third Temple, and permit pilgrims to visit the sites sacred to them in a responsible way.
Instead, Israel is engaged in this danse macabre, letting the German-Jesuit EU lead, and will find they don't only get their toes stepped on, but that the EU jackboot will soon stomp Jerusalem and trample Israel.
It's only a matter of time before this grace period is up and the true nature of the EU beast is exposed: the Vatican and their political prostitutes will demand UN Resolution 181 become the rule of law and exalt it to a divine status it doesn't deserve, as if its holy writ when in reality the Israeli Parliament ought to publicly rip it and burn it as an abomination and treason.
Friday, January 13, 2006
By Gerald Flurry, J. Tim Thompson and Stephen Flurry
Many people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War II, but would consider them ancient history. These people are completely unaware of the legacy which Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating his Nazi war machine. His was merely the latest resurrection of a war-making empire with a long and bloody history. Did you know that the Bible prophesied of his regime—as well as the terrible emergence of one last resurrection in our day?
Chapter 1 The Resurgence of Nazi Germany
Chapter 2 Germany's Earliest Roots
Chapter 3 The Unholy Roman Empire
Chapter 4 Hitler and the Holy Roman Empire
Chapter 5 Germany in Prophecy
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
When even the pope has to whisper
Middle East
Jan 10, 2006
When even the pope has to whisper
By Spengler
... Now Pope Benedict XVI has let it be known that he does not believe Islam can reform. This we learn from the transcript of a January 5 US radio interview with one of Benedict's students and friends, Father Joseph Fessio, SJ, the provost of Ave Maria University in Naples, Florida, posted on the Asia Times Online forum by a sharp-eyed reader. For the pope to refute the fundamental premise of US policy is news of inestimable strategic importance, yet a Google News scan reveals that not a single media outlet has taken notice of what Fessio told interviewer Hugh Hewitt last week. No matter: still and small as Benedict's voice might be, it carries further than earthquake and whirlwind...
The Bavarian pope won't whisper for long! All he awaits is the right time to promote the "Coming Man" and help restore Germany as the "Protector of Europe." Germany and the Jesuits are intent on reviving the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation. With Islamic provocations to the south, they'll have an excuse and a rallying cry for their new crusade. I don't doubt the pope (with his symbol of the Moor) knows Islam must be subdued by any means possible to save Europe and the world.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Shimon Peres serves foreign interests!
Politics Creeping Back Up Into Headlines
18:26 Jan 08, '06 / 8 Tevet 5766
By Hillel Fendel
Knesset Speaker Rivlin says it's time for Likud to quit gov't, while Foreign Minister Shalom says he and the three others should remain for now. Acting PM Olmert faces some political challenges too...
The future of Shimon Peres is also not clear. He left Labor several weeks ago to join Kadima, exclusively because of Ariel Sharon. "I do not believe that it is possible to advance the peace process in the current political situation," Peres said at the time, "other than with a coalition. The only one who can lead this is Ariel Sharon." With Sharon all but out of the picture, Peres is now reportedly considering returning to Labor - although aides close to him denied this. He met with Olmert on Friday.
Of course that bloody vulture Shimon Peres (who came to power over Rabin's dead body) would talk to Ehud Olmert to position himself to return to power. The future of the politicking Shimon Peres is clear: Shimon Peres wants to finish what he has started: the phased destruction of Israel leading to EU occupation of Jerusalem and foreign divisions polluting the Holy Land.
The vulture's German-Jesuit masters have their evil eye on the Temple Mount and have begun their siege against Israeli sovereignty and will soon demand the accursed UN Resolution 181 be enforced with a swift betrayal and swoop to seize the Temple Mount. Watch and weep and save yourselves and your country, O Israel, if it's not too late.
The Kempler Video
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: The German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
Greetings to one and all, in the name and memory of Herbert W. Armstrong who visited and addressed many leaders of the nations you represent here today. Mr. Armstrong, ambassador for world peace without political portfolio, was a man sent by the Great Creator God (who made all men and determined the boundaries and languages of each nation) to deliver a bittersweet message.
I shall also deliver that bittersweet message, standing before you, facing the nations, dressed in a black t shirt, jeans and sackcloth -- not your typical attire for such important affairs, but these are not normal times and business as usual will soon be history, as you all very much know and express your concern by gathering here in the United States of America to address these issues that threaten all mankind.
The world waits with bated breath to hear the recording of the former tyrant Saddam Hussein and questions whether they will confirm his weapons of mass destruction program and justify President George W. Bush's decision to launch his preemptive attack against belligerent Iraq. Regardless, our American troops have already been dispatched, they have bravely fought and deposed the proud dictator who imagined himself a modern Nebuchadnezzar driven to destroy the Jews, and free elections have now been held in that liberated country - not that democracy alone is the message God has ordained our British-Israelite nations to spread. But I share with you a greater recording that will directly affect each and every one of you, and trouble your nations and bring mankind to the brink of extinction unless that “Strong Unseen Hand from Someplace” intervenes and saves us from ourselves.
From reading Ryan Mauro's book, Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq -- it was impressed upon my mind how mad some Muslims are driven by the jinns of jihad and insanely seek to wreak havoc and destruction upon all the world who rejects their false vision. I gladly testify that not all Muslims share their perverted passion, as is evident in noble men like Sheik Abdul Hadi Palazzi of Rome, Italy.
However, I do solemnly affirm that such spiritual sickness does not only afflict the Muslim world, but that such religious fanaticism is again to rear its ugly head in blood-soaked Europe. Europe's rapid response to jihad will be a new crusade that will slaughter both Arabs and Jews and every Christian who doesn't agree with the Roman Catholic Church!
The Prophet Daniel records some great provocation, an Islamic confederation or network of sorts that is soon to butt heads with Catholic Europe (Daniel 11:40-45), resulting in a blitzkrieg operation that will strike them dead in the Middle East, taking out countries like Egypt and subduing Libya and Ethiopia and undoubtedly overwhelming Iran.
That is good news. Europe -- not America -- will neutralize the Nazi-Muslim threat. However, the bad news is that it will bring out the beast in Europe and only whet their appetite for more blood. Europe will morph into the final revival of the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation, and demand Jerusalem become an “international city,” as called for by the accursed UN Resolution 181. The Germans and Jesuits have been the major influence behind this strategic move and have their evil eyes on the prize of Jerusalem, especially the coveted Temple Mount.
The whole world has been focusing on Islamic terrorism, as is understandable, but the greatest threat to world peace is the German-dominated European Union! The United States has foolishly been helping to create such a Frankenstein Monster that will brutally betray both the American, British and Jewish peoples. Herbert W. Armstrong warned of this clear and present danger -- as an early warning system -- for years. The weapons of mass destruction that the increasingly fascist EU possess will unleash nuclear terror upon our major cities and rain down death and destruction upon us and those who survive will suffer deportation due to our idolatry and immorality.
These biblical warnings, based upon reliable information obtained from Daniel and the Book of Revelation, are the greatest recording all mankind must hear and heed -- if we're to be spared from WWIII. I'm here to announce this plain truth as a witness and a warning and share it within Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. What you do with it is between you and your Maker, but I encourage you to take it seriously and choose life and help save your respective nations.
David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer in Ohio and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out Beyond Babylon.
Friday, January 06, 2006
The Intelligence Summit
January 6, 2006
John Loftus
A former military intelligence analyst, who currently works as a civilian contractor, believes he has found a cache of extremely confidential--and very shocking--audio recordings of Saddam Hussein's office meetings. The audiotapes, which had apparently been overlooked, were found in a warehouse along with many other untranslated Iraqi intelligence files. These tapes are extremely significant, since they may be the best evidence yet of Saddam's secret intentions concerning weapons of mass destruction.
Before 9/11, many intelligence experts were convinced that a very strong and important Iraqi WMD connection existed, only to change their minds when no concrete evidence of that connection could be uncovered in the three years following the beginning of Iraqi war.
Because of the considerable historical importance of this stunning recent development, the contractor who obtained and reviewed these tapes plans to release them to the public on February 17, 2006 at the Intelligence Summit, a non-partisan, non-profit conference open to the public, scheduled to be held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, Virginia that weekend.
After his presentation, a panel of intelligence experts will discuss the ways in which experts may verify the fact that Hussein in fact recorded these audiotapes. These procedures include utilization of voiceprint analysis and other technical means of voice verification.
The Intelligence Summit, now in its second year, has been of particular interest to Intelligence and law enforcement officials, college and university professors and other staffers concerned with Intelligence issues, as well as non-profit organizations involved in funding Intelligence research and/or other anti-terrorism efforts.
In regard to these highly confidential audiotapes, Attorney John Loftus, President of the Intelligence Summit, recently stated that, "Saddam's secret office recordings continued well into the year 2000. In all, they contain at least 12 hours of totally candid discussions with his senior aides. Clearly, after these tapes have been verified and corroborated, they will be able to provide a few definitive answers to some very important-and controversial-weapons of mass destruction questions." Loftus went on to say that the contractor who found and recovered the tapes has requested that his identity remain anonymous until he makes his presentation.
The International Intelligence Summitsm is a non-partisan, non-profit, neutral organization that utilizes charitable funds to hold a conference that serves as a forum where personnel from Intelligence agencies throughout the free world and emerging democracies may gather to meet and exchange information about their experiences, expertise and ideas. In this way, the Intelligence Summitsm provides a unique opportunity for the Intelligence Community to listen and learn from each other so that they may share their resources to strengthen the war against terrorism.
John Loftus, who formerly served as a Federal Prosecutor, currently works as an intelligence consultant for various television networks. He has also authored four books, one of which was a Pulitzer Prize nominee. Loftus' "60 Minutes" interview won an Emmy award for TV journalist Mike Wallace.
The Intelligence Summit's International Advisory Council includes two former CIA directors, several generals, a senior officer of the Mossad and the former Chair of the British Joint Intelligence Committee. In addition, this year's list of Intelligence Summitsm presenters includes many top Intelligence, espionage, counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence leaders who work for a wide variety of agencies throughout the free world.
In light of the number, variety and experience and expertise of this year's presenters, many observers have commented that The Intelligence Summit may well be the most prestigious conference in the world on international studies concerning intelligence policy-making, terrorism and homeland security.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Vatican aims to make Jerusalem Europe's capital!
Vatican also wants Jerusalem?
Vatican envoy: Israel, Palestinians cannot be trusted to safeguard holy sites
Ahiya Raved
Israel cannot be trusted? The Vatican's legal advisor in Israel, David Jaeger, harshly criticized Israel’s policy regarding safeguarding Christian holy sites.
Speaking during an international conference at a Haifa University conference Tuesday, Jaeger said Jerusalem is an important city the fate of which should not be left in the hands of Israel and the Palestinians.
Any solution to the status of Jerusalem needs the approval of the international community, said Jaeger, adding that the Palestinian Authority has also failed in keeping with international conventions on preserving holy sites.
Jaeger said there is a contradiction between agreements signed between Israel and the Vatican on preserving Christian Holy sites and Israeli laws dating from the British mandate in Palestine.
The Israeli government took away the courts' authority to deal with issues related to lands and funds belonging to the Roman Catholic Church, causing legal disputes that have been dragging in courts for years, the Vatican envoy said.
The conference is a unique opportunity to hold academic discussions of issues pertaining to Jerusalem and holy sites, bring together intellectuals and experts from Israel, the territories and the international community.
Dr. Yitzhak Reiter, one of the event's organizers, said: “Our aim is to hold a discussion on the burning issue of Jerusalem – at a time of relative calm – in an attempt to try finding solutions acceptable to all sides. We should remember that the breakthrough that led to the Oslo Accord started with a similar discourse between Israeli and Palestinian intellectuals under international sponsorship."
UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
This is the latest salvo from the bloody Roman Catholic Church against Jewish sovereignty over their God-given capital of Jerusalem (interesting coming in this Hebrew month of Tevet that marks the beginning of the siege against Jerusalem by the other Babylonians), and will end with brutal EU occupation of the Holy City, betraying both Arabs and Jews.
UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
David Ben-Ariel , Toledo, USA/Menashe (01.04.06)