Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Latest from The Bruges Group

How much does the European Union cost Britain? 2008
The price of the combined direct and indirect expenses of EU membership in 2008 costs Britain £55.775 billion. Set out in the latest Bruges Group research the full financial burden to Britain has now been calculated. They show a dramatic increase in the costs of the EU - A price Britain cannot afford.

The facts:- By 2007 Britain had an accumulated trade deficit with the other EU member states of £383.7 billion- The Common Agricultural Policy costs Britain at least £16.8 billion per annum- The Common Fisheries Policy costs Britain at least £3.275 billion per annum- Over-regulation on business costs Britain at least £28 billion per annum

Costly, Complex and Counterproductive: The Case Against a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base
The EU’s latest tax power grab will reduce the GDP of the fragile UK economy by £73 billion over the next 10 years, equal to each UK inhabitant paying £1,200 each or the equivalent of British taxpayers having to pay an extra 1.5p in the basic rate of income tax for each of those years

Bruges Group Blog

Are the British a Servile People? Idealism and the EU
The rejection of national sovereignty has led to the British people submitting to authority which comes dressed as virtue. At the heart of the matter is the idealism that disdains pride in Britain and British culture

Lord Tebbit and President Klaus Speak Out Against EU Centralisation [YouTube]

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