Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sink Immediately (Pirates off the Horn of Africa)

Newsletter 2009/04/20 - Sink Immediately

BERLIN/EYL (Own report) - Berlin announced its decision to fire upon and sink pirate ships off the Horn of Africa. As the interior policy spokesperson of the conservative parliamentary group in the German Bundestag announced, in the case of attack, ships "must be immediately
sunk on the high seas." The deployment of special commandos of the German federal police and military is in preparation. The German government has decided to "'take off the gloves' in the war on piracy". Until now, Berlin had considered sinking ships, inconvenient due to the danger of sinking fishing ships by mistake. While the naval mission is becoming more brutal, the extension of military intervention to the Somali mainland is also discussed this week. As the German Bundeswehr is extending its radius of operations, business representatives are saying that the threat to world trade posed by piracy is being exaggerated to the public. The cause of the
buccaneering off the coast of Somalia is basically ignored: the West's induced deterioration in countries that elude western control.


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