Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Western Liberal (Plans to Overthrow the Zimbabwean President)

Newsletter 2009/06/15 - Western Liberal

HARARE/BERLIN (Own report) - Today's reception of Zimbabwean Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai, is an element of the German government's participation in the western campaign to overthrow the Zimbabwean president. Since the 90s, Tsvangirai has been groomed by the West, particularly Germany, as the head of the opposition to drive President Mugabe from power. Berlin is accusing Mugabe of presenting himself as an "adversary of the western liberal order." His removal has been on the German foreign policy agenda for the past ten years. With Tsvangirai, after a long struggle, being named prime minister, second to his rival, Mugabe, in a transition government, last February, Berlin and Washington see new opportunities for driving Mugabe from office. Tsvangirai is currently visiting North America and Europe to reach the necessary agreements. Germany wants to support him through development aid financing, sent to Zimbabwe by way of NGOs, strengthening the position of Tsvangirai's followers.


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