Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Future Conflicts (German Exports to East Asia)

Newsletter 2010/05/14 - Future Conflicts

BERLIN/SINGAPORE (Own report) - Despite the Euro crisis, leading German industrial circles are currently holding an "Asia Pacific Conference" in Singapore to explore new possibilities for investments in and exports to Southeast Asian countries. Whereas the economy in Europe and the USA will still need quite some time to recover, the Asian market has already overcome the economic crisis and is again booming, according to the executive directress of the German Asia-Pacific Business Association (OAV). It is therefore absolutely essential to expand German business relations in Asia. German exports to the Asian Pacific region have already increased by one third in the first two months of this year in comparison to last year's volume. 16 percent of Germany's exports are to Asia, gaining therefore in importance in relation to exports within the Eurozone. The current Asia-Pacific Conference is focusing on China's Southeast Asian neighbors, with whom Germany is cooperating to thwart the growth of Beijing's influence.
