Thursday, September 25, 2008


1. Latvian death penalty debate rumbles on
2. EU rules out US-style bailouts
3. EU cars to use daytime headlights from 2011
***** THE NEWS *************

1. Latvian death penalty debate rumbles on - 25.09.2008 - 09:29-
The head of the Latvian parliament's human rights committee has called foran EU-wide debate on reinstating the death penalty, as a new capital punishment debate has emerged in the country following the murder of a young girl.

2. EU rules out US-style bailouts - 25.09.2008 - 09:25
There may be need for stricter financial monitoring worldwide, but inEurope in particular, US-style bank bailouts are not necessary at thisstage, EU officials told MEPs on Wednesday.

3. EU cars to use daytime headlights from 2011 - 25.09.2008 - 09:25
All cars in the EU will have to be equipped with headlights and rear-endlighting that shine in the daytime as of 7 February 2011, the EuropeanCommission said on Wednesday, with trucks and buses to follow by August2012. Aiming to increase road safety, the commission's plan has howeveralready drawn some criticism.