Tuesday, September 30, 2008

France to be under German domination

France pushes for more military integration
EU Defence ministers, led by France, will meet informally to discuss how to address "shortfalls" in Europe's military capacity. In moves described by the EUobserver as a "litmus test" for Europe's "security ambitions" France is testing the waters with a view to longer term plans to create two rapid reaction units and two larger reconstruction missions, seen as an attempt to challenge Anglo-American domination of Nato.

Re: France to test depth of EU's defence ambitions

French poodle to be Germany's lapdog
Posted by David Ben-Ariel at 30 September 2008, 13:58 CET
The French poodle will soon be Germany's lapdog as American domination of NATO will be replaced with German domination of NATO - or NATO will be scrapped entirely under a new defense arrangement that finds European armies under German command. http://www.davidbenariel.org/