Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Holocaust denier?

Re: "History on Trial" Named One of Five Best Books on Legal Trials by Alan Dershowitz in Wall Street Journal
Alan Dershowitz, asked by the Wall Street Journal [January 17h], to list his pick of of five best books on momentous legal cases has included History on Trial, in his pick .


Is there a standard definition for "holocaust denier"? Is one who denies there were 6 million Jewish victims, but maybe 2-3 million Jewish victims (not to mention all the others), a "holocaust denier"? I heard about the court case concerning David Irving but didn't pay attention.

The court case concerning David Irving doesn't directly affect our lives, but I would say those who remain ignorant and indifferent, who go like sheep to the slaughter, who deny the German-Jesuit EU will ignite WWIII against the British Israelites and Jews primarily, are holocaust deniers.

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
The whole world has been focusing on Islamic terrorism, as is understandable, but the greatest threat to world peace is the German-dominated European Union! The United States has foolishly been helping to create such a Frankenstein Monster that will brutally betray both the American, British and Jewish peoples.

Death to the American, British and Jewish Peoples?
The German-Jesuit EU will conquer the British-Israelites and Jews because God will use them to punish us for our idolatry and immorality. Such defeat, deportation and occupation will last 3 1/2 years and then Yeshua will return and reign and save us from our sins and our enemies.

British-Israelites and Jews in Grave Danger
Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall warns that due to our idolatry and immorality, our nations are prophesied to fall and fall hard if we don't turn from our ways and remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities (Malachi 4:4).
