Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Industry of the Future (International Renewable Energy Agency)

Newsletter 2009/01/26 - Industry of the Future

BONN/BERLIN (Own report) - With today's founding of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Berlin is seeking more influence over the global energy supply. IRENA aims to enhance the use of renewable energy sources on a global scale, therefore implementing what ecological organizations have been demanding for the past 20 years. At the same time, IRENA is supporting an already heavily subsidizedindustrial branch that is capable of covering a large part of the future energy supply. While denied leading roles in the oil industry, German businesses are holding top positions in this industry of the future. Whereas Berlin has been pushing hard for IRENA's establishmenta nd would like to have its headquarters in Germany, serious misgivings can be heard in other countries. Critics in Brazil are pointing out that biofuel is being produced throughout their country under conditions similar to slavery. Plans, for the use of North African deserts as solar energy sources - for Germany - are being made in the German foreign ministry.

