Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obama's betrayal of U.S. and British interests

A NOT so special relationship
By Rod King Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not since the days of the Suez Crisis of 1956 have the ties that bind the “special relationship” between the United States and Great Britain been so strained. Why? The reason is simple. There is a new man in the White House.

President Barack Obama has wasted no time in making his intentions clear about the future for the U.S. and Europe. He plans to makes friends with the players who will really count in the years ahead. Why should he play favorites with just one of the European Union’s members (namely Great Britain) when he can woo the whole shebang?

At the first meeting between Prime Minister Brown and President Obama since his taking office, the PM gave the new president a pen holder crafted from the timbers of the HMS President which was sister ship to the HMS Resolute. The Resolute’s timbers were used to make the Oval Office desk symbolising the bond between the two countries.

Nile Gardiner, for the Telegraph wrote on March 18, 2009, “Barack Obama heads to Britain and Europe in two weeks’ time as the leader of the first U.S. Administration to wholeheartedly back the creation of a federal Europe.…the Obama administration is avowedly Euro-federalist in outlook and is keen to help build…a European superstate in Brussels.

“This dangerous shift in U.S. policy is a betrayal of both U.S. and British interests that will threaten the long-term future of the Anglo-American Relationship, weaken the NATO alliance and undermine the defence of British sovereignty in Europe.”

British opposition leader and Conservative Party leader David Cameron faces a tough time. Either he stands firm with the Eurosceptics in his party or he caves in to pressure from Brussels to continue supporting the juggernaut that was spawned by the Treaty of Rome in 1956. The dream to bring about a fully functional European Federal state complete with a president and both a foreign and defence policy, is now enshrined in the latest of the concordats, the Lisbon Treaty. This will not be ratified until all member states approve. The Irish upset the process by voting “No” in a recent referendum on its implementation in Ireland.

This has barely ruffled a feather in the halls of the European Commission (the real powerhouse of Europe). Business has carried on as normal and the Irish Prime Minister has essentially been told to go back to the people until they get it right and say “Yes” to the treaty.

Strong support from across the Atlantic will strengthen the hand of European federalists. It may be too early to tell, but the indications are that Obama and his team are keen to duplicate the EU experience in North America. Some have talked of a North American Union made up of Canada, the United States, Mexico and other Caribbean and Central American countries. In such a union there would be a common currency and closer ties to Europe.

The South East Asian trading bloc ASEAN has recently announced its intentions to look to the EU model for “inspiration” as it signed a trade deal with Australia and New Zealand on February 28, 2009. According to Radio New Zealand, they want to become an integrated trading bloc by 2015.

The “New World Order,” so often spoken of by President George Bush, Sr. is gradually becoming a reality. There is an inexorable move to establish global spheres that will ultimately morph into a one-world state. Idealists hope it will bring world peace but the Bible identifies this coming megalith as the last stage of the Babylonian system revealed in Daniel, chapter 2. If you would like to know where the world is heading in the next few important years, request your free copy of The Beast of Revelation.
The EU is a German Ruse
Bill Cash, MP, questions "The German Question" [The European Journal, April 2007] "of what and where is Europe?" when "Germany has not even established her own national identity, which remains strikingly unstable even after reunification... let alone found a directing principle which can hold the ramshackle European Union together...".

Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World
Those who strongly disagree with the "European Union" forging ahead, the Euro-skeptics, state sovereignty is under attack and that the EU is going backwards, descending into the darkness of fascism, not advancing democratic ideals but sacrificing them with impunity.

Bible Prophecy States EU to Form Core Group
EU industry commissioner Gunter Verheugen, when asked by the German daily Die Welt how he sees the European Union in 20 years' time, responded: "I believe… we will have a political union, but maybe not with all states that now form part of the EU."