Monday, March 30, 2009

Strategic Concepts (II) (NATO Summit)

Newsletter 2009/03/18 - Strategic Concepts (II)BERLIN (Own report) - In the prelude to NATO's Jubilee Summit at thebeginning of April, influential German foreign policy makers arecalling for a broadening of cooperation with Moscow in militarypolicy. A government advisor of the German Council on ForeignRelations (DGAP) demands that "Europe" consider revaluating Russia "toa second pillar of European security" alongside the USA, otherwisethere is the risk of becoming "the eastern part of the United States."These statements are tied in with the growing German-Russianactivities in foreign and security policies, which run contrary toaspirations of transatlantic forces seeking agreement at the comingNATO summit on a new "strategic concept," which should enhancecooperation between Berlin and Washington. Observers note that thecloser German-Russian cooperation is being supported in Berlin as wellas in Moscow by proponents of an independent great power policy -including nationalist strategists of the extreme right.