Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Ides of March: from Julius Caesar to the modern Caesars

“The Ides of March” has become an ominous date.  March 15 is the anniversary of the murder of Julius Caesar ... but the empire he once ruled lives on!  As March 15 approaches, it is timely to remind ourselves that the once-mighty Roman Empire not only remains very much alive, but it will soon clutch the world once again in its iron grip!
Who was Julius Caesar and why was he murdered? 

In February 44 bc, Caesar assumed the office of “dictator for life.”  Quickly, he consolidated his power over the republic, giving positions to friends and allies and forcing the senate to pass bills without allowing them to read them.  He governed with impunity.  He became quickly powerful … and he made powerful enemies.   
Knowing that on March 18 Caesar planned to depart Rome on a military campaign, the conspirators decided to act fast.  Led by Brutus and Cassius, they struck after Caesar arrived in the Senate.  It was March 15.

The ancient historian, Suetonius recounts the murder:  “Confronted by a ring of drawn daggers, he drew the top of his gown over his face, and at the same time ungirded the lower part, letting it fall to his feet so that he would die with both legs decently covered.  Twenty-three dagger thrusts went home as he stood there. Caesar did not utter a sound after Casca’s blow had drawn a groan from him; though some say that when he saw Marcus Brutus about to deliver the second blow, he reproached him in Greek with: ‘You, too, my child?’” (The Twelve Caesars, translated by Robert Graves, pp 40-41).

Who are the modern Caesars?

European and Russian leaders have always seen themselves as successors to the ancient Roman Caesars.  Napoleon felt he was the heir to Caesar. Nazi Germany claimed to rebuild the Roman Empire.  The Russian title Tsar (Czar) and the German title Kaiser are simply forms of “Caesar.”  Today, Eurocrats refer to themselves as “modern Romans.”  And no wonder!  They are right!

The Roman Empire from 31bc to 476ad was the Beast with “iron teeth.”  This mighty empire fell in 476ad (the “deadly wound” of Revelation 13:3). Daniel 7 reveals 10 resurrections of this empire.  The first three resurrections were the kingdoms of the Vandals, the Heruli and the Ostrogoths.  The fourth horn was the Imperial Restoration under Justinian in 554ad – which blended church and state.

Horns four through eight continued 1260 years (Revelation 13:3-5), ending at Napoleon’s defeat in 1814 (1814 minus 554 equals 1260).  These revivals were different from the first three horns.  After the fourth horn, the state became aligned with a church, the “harlot” woman, called the pompous “little horn” (Daniel 7:8, 20-22, 24-27 and Revelation 17:1-6).

Horn nine was the German-Italian Axis.  Horn ten is growing strong today – the final revival of the Roman Empire – a German-dominated Europe composed of ten regional rulers under the final Caesar – the “King of the North” also called the Beast (Revelation 17:7).

What will be the final “Caesar’s” fate? 

After “fornicating” (politically aligning) with the blasphemous “woman” just as his predecessors did, and briefly ruling much of the world (Revelation 17:3–6), he will be defeated at Christ’s second coming (Revelation 17:12-17), and later destroyed in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:20).

In the modern age, only God’s true Church has accurately understood and powerfully warned the world about these prophecies – beginning with Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong – in the 1930s!  It may feel “comfortable” to ignore thousands of years of history and Scripture.  Or, it may seem too fantastic to believe.  But prophecy is rapidly marching on – exactly as God reveals through Scripture!

To prove this for yourself, get your Bible and diligently study the excellent free booklet, The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor or Soon-Coming Reality?  And pray that God grants you the faith, courage, understanding and righteousness to face the events about to change our world forever.

Archived at The Ides of March: from Julius Caesar to the modern Caesars