Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Berlin, Rome and Britain—an Unworkable Combination

December 14, 2009
On December 1, the British lost their national sovereignty. On January 1, their queen becomes a vassal of the new leadership of the European Union.

Less than a week on from the Lisbon Treaty coming into force, Germany’s president and the pope met in Rome on December 5. The occasion was a dual celebration—the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany and the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The celebration featured a concert performed in the Sistine Chapel at which the Augsburger Domsingknaben and the Residenz-Kammerorchester Munchen rendered Johann Sebastian Bach’s Christmas Oratorio conducted by Reinhard Kammler.

This was indeed a symbolic occasion, with the two heads of the major political forces empowering the seventh resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire—Horst Kohler as constitutional head of the German nation, and Bavarian Pope Benedict xvi, Josef Ratzinger, as head of the Vatican state—celebrating the consummation of the efforts of the past 60 years to revive this empire in its present-day guise of the European Union.

At the conclusion of the concert the pope, referring to the fall of the Berlin Wall, told those assembled that “Many at the time saw the events of November 9, 1989, as an unexpected dawn of freedom after a long and harsh night of violence and oppression due to a totalitarian system which, in the end, led to nihilism, to an emptying of souls.”

Those who are aware of the history of the previous six resurrections of the Holy Roman Empire would be aware of the imposition of its own “long and harsh night of violence and oppression due to a totalitarian system which, in the end, led to nihilism, to an emptying of souls” on many nations. In fact, voices have arisen, in particular from the eastern member nations of the EU, wondering whether they have merely exchanged one form of tyranny—Soviet-style communism—for another, the EU style of governance.

It takes but a comparison of three constitutional documents—the Magna Carta, the American Constitution and the Lisbon Treaty—to establish the difference between the foundational underpinnings of the most free of all nations, the Anglo-Saxons, and today’s European Union.

We have commented from time to time on the similarities between the first two due to the latter document being but an outgrowth of the first. But with the EU now established as a global power, underpinned by its own federal constitution, it is timely that we address the dramatic differences between the constitutions upon which the world’s freest societies are based and that document which now clearly supersedes the Magna Carta: the Lisbon Treaty/EU constitution.

One of the best summations of these differences between America, Britain, including its dominions, and the European Union was recently written by British journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard.

Writing for the Telegraph, Evans-Pritchard mused, “The founding texts of the English constitution—charter, petition, bill of rights—have one theme in common: They create nothing. They assert old freedoms; they restore lost harmony. In this they guided America’s Revolution, itself a codification of early colonial liberties” (December 6).

Contrast this with the Lisbon Treaty/EU constitution, in the pursuit of which, as Evans-Pritchard correctly asserted, “insiders hijacked the process.” The “insiders” are those Teutonic/Romish elites who, unelected by any democratic process, beavered away over the past eight years seeking to enforce their undemocratic constitution on their constituents by the most undemocratic of means. They had carefully crafted a document to serve as the main instrument to enact their imperial objectives, a document Evans-Pritchard described as a “Hegelian monstrosity” that “says much about the heightened powers of EU bodies, but scarcely a word to restrain EU bailiffs and constables. The Charter of Fundamental Rights—legally binding in the UK as of Tuesday, when Lisbon came into force—asserts that the EU has the authority to circumscribe all rights and freedoms” (ibid.).

Underpinning this monstrosity of constraint on basic human freedoms is a massive body of legislation, rules and regulations designed to enforce the most confusing constitution on the planet, a body of wordage called the Aquis Communitaire, estimated to be over 170,000 pages, detailing the onerous legislation and bureaucratic controls that the EU elites have imposed on their citizenry.

As of Dec. 1, 2009, when the Lisbon Treaty/EU constitution came into force, Magna Carta—the basic charter upon which the constitutions of the once free world of the Anglo-Saxons was founded—was, for Great Britain, confined to history by the EU’s “Hegelian” document.

It is fitting that Evans-Pritchard should use the name of one of the prime exponents of dialectic rationalism, the 18th-century German philosopher Hegel, to describe the Lisbon Treaty. After all, the whole idea of uniting Europe under German political and military domination overlaid by Rome’s religion was itself, as the Trumpet has so often proved, a very German idea. Since the time of Charlemagne it has remained so throughout its various resurrections, up to the Third Reich and beyond, to its present encapsulation in the Lisbon Treaty.

About a thousand years before the Roman Empire came on the scene, there existed a nation whose code of law was written on just two tablets of stone. The covenants, statutes and judgments that provided for the manner of its administration take up but four pages of your Bible. The precedents and the examples that make up its case law comprise less that 1,400 pages in the average-size Bible, incorporating the Old and the New Covenants within which that law is firmly bound. That was the law upon which the British and the American constitutions were founded.

When the nation of Israel obeyed that law, during the few times that it was administered by a wise king, the nation generally knew times of peace and plenty. When it rebelled against the law of its Maker, the nation was thrown into confusion.

In respect of the newly enacted Lisbon Treaty/EU constitution, we can guarantee one thing. It will end in massive confusion. And no wonder, for at its source is the master of all confusion himself, the very antithesis of the Creator of the law of God (1 Corinthians 14:33).

If ever there was a time for the people of the British Isles to wake up to the reality of what their leaders have drawn them into by signing away their national sovereignty to become a vassal of the German/Roman elites, it is now!

What hope is there for the future of Britain? In the immediate term, that hope rests in the Bible prophecies that strongly indicate the nation will either opt out of the EU or, indeed, be forcefully ejected from it.

Read The United States and Britain in Prophecy and No Freedom Without Law for a better perspective on the grave dangers that Britain faces while it remains a member nation of the EU. We also recommend that you read our booklet Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman for an appreciation of the hand of God in Britain’s past, and the hope of that same hand guiding Britons into a far, far better future world that will greatly exceed that which the British enjoyed even in the halcyon days of empire!